Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Three Steps to Corporate Happiness

To transform your company into a happy organization and to keep it happy, you will have to (1)  conduct a comprehensive business analysis - CBA; (2) perform a strategic corporate reengineering – SCR; and (3) develop and deploy a continuous improvement system - ‘kaizen’.

Obviously, you must begin your project with a thorough and diligent assessment of your current (‘AS IS’) situation with your corporate structure, your corporate performance and the happiness of your stakeholders. This is what comprehensive business analysis is all about. It generates a detailed description of your company (‘business system’) and the ‘ACRC’ – analysis, conclusions recommendations and comments on the best way to make a quantum leap in four key areas.

To make a successful quantum leap, you must have a very good understanding where you are jumping to. In other words, you must develop a detailed vision (‘TO BE’) of the company that you want to build. Then you will need to figure out how to get there. In other words, to develop financial and operational plans for this quantum leap. And, finally, to execute these plans, making an actual quantum leap. These three activities constitute the second stage of your quantum leap project – a strategic corporate reengineering.    

To make sure that your company stays happy at all times – maintains a lean corporate structure, operates at its maximum performance and keeps all its stakeholders happy – you will have to develop and deploy a continuous improvement system often referred to as ‘kaizen’. This system must not only make the necessary marginal improvements, but trigger another quantum leap project when changes in your corporate environment make it necessary. 

Download my white paper “How to Transform Your Business into a Happy Organization”. For a comprehensive corporate happiness solution, check out my seminar under the same title and my consulting services.

1 comment:

  1. Very well sharing dear Oleg Lions , you have such a great knowledge about kaizen system, but if I suggest you then must include one more topic about lean system and 5s methodology, which will soon covers all and all ways that helps in transform an organization !
    Thanks for sharing !
