Monday, May 4, 2015

Why You Want, Can, Must and Will Build a Happy Organization

Why would you want to transform your company into a happy organization? I have already mentioned one compelling reason – to make a lot of money from this investment project. However, there are several other – and no less – compelling reasons for you to undertake this project.

First, happiness is a fundamental and a very powerful human need and desire (and a fundamental right according to the U.S. Constitution). All individuals need and want to be happy at home, at work and in all relationships with other individuals and organizations. All decision-makers in all organizations want to be happy themselves and to own, lead and manage happy organizations. And you are no exception.

Second, according to Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs, every human being wants and needs self-actualization. For an entrepreneur, CEO and other corporate top-managers, it means both being the best one can be and making one’s business the best it can be. Which means a happy lean organization operating at its maximum performance and making all its stakeholders happy.

I have already explained why you can make this quantum leap. Because there is an ample room for it – in corporate structure optimization, corporate performance optimization and in your potential for stakeholder happiness. A lot of room for a genuine quantum leap. 

Now why you must make this quantum leap. To put it simply, because of competition. Increasingly global and increasingly intense competition. For customers’ wallets and checkbooks and for human resources as well. And how businesses compete nowadays? On their structure, performance and their ability to make their stakeholders happy. And on getting the most out of the latter, of course.

Therefore, businesses (and your company is no exception) are under a tremendous external pressure to optimize their corporate structures, maximize their performance, make their stakeholders happy and get the most of the latter. In other words, to make a quantum leap in all these four areas. Make it happen – or go out of business. Cut and dry, plain and simple.

Therefore, I am confident that you will make this quantum leap. As soon as you obtain the right tools and technologies. Which – until very recently – simply were not available. Now they have finally arrived.

And because these tools have finally arrived, corporate happiness revolution is inevitable and imminent. The revolution that will affect everyone. Every single business (and every organization) in every country. Everyone will either become happy or stay unhappy, will be either a winner or a loser, either an insider or an outsider; either the leader or the outcast. The choice is yours. 

Download my white paper “How to Transform Your Business into a Happy Organization”. For a comprehensive corporate happiness solution, check out my seminar under the same title and my consulting services.

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